What: Collect shelf-stable food to join the fight against food insecurity in our community.
Choose a food panty near you. (See list on Charitable Organizations page)
Find their list of wants and needs online. Or use these suggestions: shelf-stable milk like horizon and Parmalat; canned vegetables, canned meats, fish, soups and meals like dinty moore stew; cans or cups of fruit; single-serve breakfast items - cereal, granola bars, oatmeal; mac and cheese or easy mac; single-serve tuna pouches; pasta, sauces; snacks; dehydrated foods like beef jerky, rice, nuts, etc.
Spread the word.
Where: Boca Helping Hands, Harvest Drive, Jacobson Family Food Pantry all have online lists. The TLC Little Free Pantries have over 20 locations in South Florida and you can fill them up yourselves. They encourage you to take a selfie in front of the pantry and post and tag them on social media. https://btcboca.org/littlefreepantry/
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